1.Work hard
2.Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
3.Don’t chase after money
4.Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you
These tips mean that their are certain things that can lead you to success as long as you follow them. One of the tips says to work hard which means to try your best and never give it. The second one means that you should follow your dreams and do what you want to do not what someone tells you to do. The third one means that don’t do anything to just chase after money, that shouldn't be your only reason. The last tip means that what goes around comes around. If you're nice to someone they will be nice back so do what you want to be given in return.
There are many examples of how these tips are very important. For example, Phillip worked hard every day , followed his passion, didn’t chase after money and has helped out many people. This has lead him to a success and he even got an award for it. He would've never expected to get an award for just doing something that is normal to do everyday for him. This goes to show how these simple tips can lead you to success just like Phillip Riggs. This is basically what I understood from these tips from Phillp Riggs.
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