"Act well your part; there all honor lies."- Alexander Pope

This quote means that if you do good then you will stay out of trouble and you won't be dishonored. If you do what needs to be done then others will think of you as honorable. People will want to be around you and you will make friends with good quality people. If your don't do good and you get in trouble then you will be dishonored. This will cause others to not think of you as honorable because you don't do what needs to be done. This will lead to not much people wanting to be around you and you will most like attract bad quality people.
There are many examples of how doing good will make you honorable. For example, you always do your work showing teachers and other students that you are an honorable person. Not only are you honorable but it will help you in the future when you end up with good grades and graduate. Another example would be you not doing your work ever showing teachers and other students that you are not an honorable person. That will really bring you down in the future when you get bad grades and don't graduate. This is basically what I understood from that quote by Alexander Pope.
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