"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company"

This quote means that you don't have to be with a crowd doing bad stuff when you can be by yourself doing the right thing. If you stand by yourself and be alone you will already be on the pathway to success. You won't be worrying about unimportant things but instead be focused on doing what's right and making your parents happy. If you don't stand by yourself and decide to hang with the bad crowd you will be lead on the opposite path to success. You will be worrying about getting caught, feeling guilty a lot and disappoint your parents. This all adds to how important this quote is to follow and live by.

There are many examples of how standing alone is better than to be with bad company. For example, your friends invite you to go try something new with them but your not really sure about it so you stay home. Later on you find out what they did, how they got caught and all the trouble they went through, let's just say you were pretty glad you stayed home. Another example would be that your invited to this big party and you know you can't miss out on it. You end up doing somethings that you aren't really proud of and get in trouble for so you basically regret going. This is basically what I understood from
this quote.
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