"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible"- Ezra T. Benson

This quote means that when you do something your not suppose to it doesn't ever make you feel good it's always the opposite. Usually when you do bad people think that it will feel right. Instead what really happens is that when you do bad it makes you feel bad. Same goes for when you do good some may think you will feel bad. Instead what really happens is that when you do good it makes you feel good. That is what this quote is basically saying.

There are many examples of when you do bad it will make you feel bad and not good. For example, you sneek out at night to go to a friends house without your parents permission. You end up feeling guilty the whole way there,later on your parents find out and you get into trouble. Another example would be your friends telling you to go steal something from a store with them. You don't feel like going but you still do, then you end up getting caught and it doesn't feel right in the end.
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