Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Student Success Statement: Peter Vidmar
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.Write down what you want most and see it often."-Peter Vidmar
This is saying that if you wanted to do something back then but don't do because something new and better came up don't go for you thought of now but do what you already wanted to do. If you wanted to be gymnastics but gave up because all your friends play soccer, dont give up go for it. You should go for what you wanted because you never know the surprises that could be there. Dont go for what your friends are going for but what you want. One thing i've always wanted is to be a proffesional soccer player. I see all these really good girls but one reason due to why i gave up on soccer was because of a health disease that my mom or dad got really scared of and took me out of soccer. I have started to play again because now i know that is better to do what you wanted to before than now.
Healthcare Administrator
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: Healthcare administrators, plan, direct,
coordinate, and supervise the delivery of health care. These workers are either
specialists in charge of a specific clinical department or generalists who manage
an entire facility or system.
Education: A bachelor’s degree (four years) is the typical entry-level
preparation needed for health care administration jobs. Some employers,
however, will promote from within or hire other professionals with related
experience (such as nurses) who are ideal for an administrative role because of
their direct health care knowledge. For high-level executive positions, a
graduate education (two to three years) is usually the starting point.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why?
Why not?
I would not like to be one because it seems like a career
that wouldn’t be very interesting. Also
because I have another career in mind already.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Student Success Statement: Proverbs 22:1
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
This quote means that having people know your name and think great things is better having a lot of money. When people hear your name and think about all you have done it is best when they can think of positive things than negative. When thinking positive they can think of how kind and generous you are. When thinking negative they can think of how mean and selfish you are. It is up to you how you would like your name to be projected.

There are many examples of how having a good name is better than having a lot of money. For example, you can have all the money in the world but never be happy due to your bad name. Or you can be the poorest of the poor but always be happy due to your good name. Like I stated before it based on you whether you will have a good or bad name. This is basically what this quoteis trying to say.

There are many examples of how having a good name is better than having a lot of money. For example, you can have all the money in the world but never be happy due to your bad name. Or you can be the poorest of the poor but always be happy due to your good name. Like I stated before it based on you whether you will have a good or bad name. This is basically what this quoteis trying to say.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Student Success Staement: Coach K
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."-Coach K
This quote means that having people know that you are a good person is better than anything you can ever do in your life. People being able to hear your name and thinking of how good of a person you are is an amazing feeling. Rather than people hearing your name and thinking of horrible things which isn't such a good feeling. What is brought up when your name is stated is based on how you are as a person. This all goes to show how important it is for you to be a good person in life.
There are many examples of how having people know that you are a good person is better than anything you can ever do in your life. For example, you are brought up in a conversation and everyone right away states how your so kind and nice, that would make you feel good about yourself. Another example would be you being brought up in a conversation and everyone begins to talk about how your mean and selfish, that wouldn't make you feel so good. this is basically what I understood from the quote.

Monday, October 19, 2015
Student Success Statement:Thomas A. Monson
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
-Thomas A. Monson
This quote means that you shouldn't do what others are doing just because you feel pressured. You should stand up for what you believe in even if your the only one. You can't count on everyone to agree with what you are standing up for but that shouldn't discourage you. You shouldn't worry about what others are going to say because in the end you can only always count on yourself. This goes to show how important it is to stand up for what you believe in no matter what.
There are many examples of when standing up for something is important or how difficult it is to stand up for something. For example, a couple of friends want to go bully this classmate but you stand up for the classmate but in the end no one agrees with you, that is okay. It's okay because you did what you could but it will later effect the bullies in life. Another example of this would be your group of friends telling you to go do something that your parents specifically told you not to do and in the end you leave and go home. The next day you find out that after you left they got arrested, well that was good of you to leave when you knew it wasn't right. Like I said earlier what happens is based on whether you decide to stand up or not.
-Thomas A. Monson

Student Success Statement:Noemi Trigueros
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." -Noemi Trigueros
This quote means that even if you are a champion that doesn't mean much unless you are also a great person. By being a champion you also need to show that you are not only a good person on the outside. If you are a champion but not a good person inside it doesn't make you different because those aren't the qualities of a good champion. It is up to you whether you will be a good champion or not but it depends on your actions.
There are many examples of how to be a good champion. For example if you are a champion and you are always giving back to your community that's you making a human of yourself. Another example would be you being a champion and always trying to help others. Like I said before whether you are a good champion will be up to you. That is basically what I understood from this quote.

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist
Ear, Nose
and Throat
Duties and Responsibilities: Your
responsibilities depend on whether you work in a private practice, in a
hospital, or in a larger medical organization. You’ll examine and
diagnose patients of all ages, but expect that pediatric care will be your
primary job, as most patients with ENT issues are children and teens. Typical
problems you’ll encounter as an ENT include ear infections, sinus infection, tonsillitis,
and cochlear issues. Expect to perform up to 250 surgeries annually,
including the removal of tumors, reconstructive surgery, and tonsillectomies.
Education: To become an ENT doctor, you will begin by pursuing the
traditional route to and through 4 years of medical school. Score well on the
MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA, especially in the core science courses
of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Obtain clinical
experiences that allow you to shadow an ENT doctor so that you will begin to
understand the realities of the profession.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why?
Why not?
No I would not like to be one because it doesn’t interest me
even though it seems like a good career. Also I have another career in mind
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Student Success Statement: Alan Stein
"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?" -Alan Stein
This quote means that you have a choice to succeed or not but it is up to you. Success doesn't just happen you must put in work to be successful. You have to be committed to what you want to be successful in and can't give up no matter how difficult it becomes. Doors to success will open up to you but whether step through or not is your choice. This goes to show how success is a choice you must make.

There are many examples of how success is a choice based on you. For example, if you try your best all through school and become successful that was based on the choice you made when doing good in school. Another example would be you always practicing a sport you like all the time and you later on become successful for it well that was a choice you made for yourself. Like i stated earlier success is based on you to make a choice. This is what this quote is stating to it's audience.
There are many examples of how success is a choice based on you. For example, if you try your best all through school and become successful that was based on the choice you made when doing good in school. Another example would be you always practicing a sport you like all the time and you later on become successful for it well that was a choice you made for yourself. Like i stated earlier success is based on you to make a choice. This is what this quote is stating to it's audience.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Student Success Statement: James E. Faust
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block,it becomes a building block."-James E. Faust
This quote means that once you begin to get use to obedience it won't block your path but open it up more. Being use to being obedient will get more and more easier as you keep practicing. If your not use to being obedient, it won't come as easy to you. Obedience will open up many doors in life if you are always obedient. So this all goes to show that being obedient doesn't knock you down but build you up.
There are many examples of how being obedient is important in life. For example, if you are obedient all the way up until you graduate, that will lead you to get a good career and so on. Another example would be you being an obedient son/daughter and that leading you to getting rewards all the time from your parents. Like I said before obedience is a very important key in life to lead you to success. This is what this quote is basically stating to it's audience.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Student Success Statement: Alex Linares
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do" - Alex Linares
This quote means that when you do what is right it will always be the the the right thing never the wrong. Doing what is right will take you on the road of good. Doing what is wrong will take you on the road to bad. Doing what is right will take you to happiness meanwhile doing what is wrong will take you to guilt. So this all proves that doing the right is always the right thing to do.

There are many examples of how doing the right is the right thing to do. For example, you end up doing the right by finishing school so that later on leads you to success. Another example would be you doing what you are suppose to do before your parents get home and you get rewarded by them letting you go out.These are just some of the many example of how doing the right is always the right thing. So that is all this quote is stating to it's audience.
There are many examples of how doing the right is the right thing to do. For example, you end up doing the right by finishing school so that later on leads you to success. Another example would be you doing what you are suppose to do before your parents get home and you get rewarded by them letting you go out.These are just some of the many example of how doing the right is always the right thing. So that is all this quote is stating to it's audience.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologists
diagnose and treat more than 3,000 different diseases. These diseases include
skin cancer, eczema, acne, psoriasis, and nail infections. Dermatologists also
improve the appearance of their patients' skin, hair, and nails. For example, a
dermatologist can help patients diminish wrinkles, age spots, and other signs
of aging. They also help with having less noticeable acne scars.
Education: In order to become a dermatologist
you need a bachelor’s degree from college. You also need to go to medical school
for becoming a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine. You need a 1
year internship. And lastly a dermatology residency program for at least 3
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
No, I would not like to be one because I wouldn’t want to be
inspecting random person skin. I also have something else in mind.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Student Success Statement: David Bednar
"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy." -David Bednar
This quote means that obedience is the center of everything. Everything revolves over whether your obedient or not. If you are obedient you are on the road to happiness just by being obedient. If you are disobedient you are going backwards on the road to happiness. So this all goes to prove that being obedient will lead you somewhere.
There are many examples of how obedience is the central to leading you to happiness. For example, if you are told to clean you room and you obey your reward would be that you are able to go out. If you were to have done the opposite you would of ending up grounded and unable to go out. These are some of the many examples of how important it is to be obedient.So that is all this quote is trying to state to it's aduience.

and Responsibilities: Represent
clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up
legal documents, and manage or advise clients on legal transactions. May
specialize in a single area or may practice broadly in many areas of law
Salary: $141,560- $172,667
Education: Aspiring lawyers must complete law
school. Applying to law school requires graduating from a bachelor's
degree program and, in nearly all cases, taking the Law School Admission Test .
While no particular field of study is required for applying to law school,
aspiring lawyers should hone their reading, speaking and argumentation skills
while in college. Courses English may help students advance these skills and
provide a medium for presenting facts and arguing positions. Students may also
use these classes to strengthen critical thinking skills and prepare for the
Law School Admission Test.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why?
Why not?
I think it’s
an interesting career that gets paid well but is boring to be doing. So I think
I would not like to be one.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Student Success Statement:John Wooden
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
-John Wooden
This quote means that what you do doesn't matter but who you are does. Usually what you do is how you think people will judge you. In reality it's who you are as a person that you will be judged. If your a good person people will want to go up to you and be your friend. If your a bad person people won't want to involve you in anything.

There are many examples of what this quote is trying to say. For example, if you aren't so great at basketball but you are seen that you are a kind person. You wouldn't be judged on your skills but how you act. Another example would be you being an amazing basketball player but you are seen as a rude person. Again you aren't going to be judged on you skills but how you act. That is basically what this quote is trying to say.
-John Wooden

There are many examples of what this quote is trying to say. For example, if you aren't so great at basketball but you are seen that you are a kind person. You wouldn't be judged on your skills but how you act. Another example would be you being an amazing basketball player but you are seen as a rude person. Again you aren't going to be judged on you skills but how you act. That is basically what this quote is trying to say.
Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Assists with oral surgery and
other procedures under the direct supervision of a dentist. Prepares and
arranges needed tools and instruments for scheduled procedures. Hands necessary
tools and equipment to the dentist and provides assistance during treatment.
May record findings, change barriers, or sterilize equipment. Requires an
associate's degree from an accredited program and 0-2 years of experience.
Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular
Education: There are no formal education requirements
for entering a career in dental assisting. Dental assisting programs are
typically 1-year diploma or certificate programs. These programs tend to focus
solely on technical training through classroom, laboratory and clinical
instruction. Courses may include dental materials, radiology, chair side
assisting, dental office administration and bio dental science.
Reflection: Do you think you would like
to be one? Why? Why not?
No, because it doesn’t
really interest me even though it’s a great career. Plus I already have another
career in mind.
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